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Laura Davies

Laura Davies

こんにちは! I'm Laura, a second year English Literature student who decided to take the plunge and spend my summer in Yamagata, Japan! I hope to share my experiences with everyone and give you a little taste of what volunteering in Japan is like. I hope you'll find my blog interesting!

Latest posts

The Final Week: さようなら日本

Posted on 16 August 2017 by Laura Davies

At long last, yet seemingly all too soon, the month-long Yamagata project is over and I am safely back in the UK, still a little jetlagged but otherwise no worse […]

Adventures in Yamagata: Part 3

Posted on 5 August 2017 by Laura Davies

At long last, here is part three of my adventures in Yamagata. My apologies for the delay - it's been a pretty busy week as usual. To pick up where […]

Adventures in Yamagata: Part 2

Posted on 29 July 2017 by Laura Davies

First of all, my apologies for the late post - this past week has been unbelievably busy and tiring, but very fun. We had a pretty full-on week of mostly […]

Adventures in Yamagata: Part 1

Posted on 19 July 2017 by Laura Davies

The past week has proved busy but highly productive, not to mention enjoyable. Already it feels as if I have been in Yamagata forever, and I wouldn't mind if that […]

The Project Begins

Posted on 11 July 2017 by Laura Davies

I'm glad to say we made it to Yamagata with no problems despite the amount of luggage we hauled around with us. Yesterday we were given our induction and met […]

Two Days in Tokyo

Posted on 9 July 2017 by Laura Davies

Yesterday I arrived in Tokyo but was too tired to update after so much walking - my apologies for that. These past few days have been quite hectic but fun. […]

The Journey Begins

Posted on 6 July 2017 by Laura Davies

So here I am; the day has arrived and I'm off to the airport to start my adventures in Japan. The past few days have been filled with a never-ending […]