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Harriet Codd

Harriet Codd

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What next?..

Posted on 7 June 2017 by Harriet Codd

Well, well, well. We have reached our final post in the LingoMap program. I hope you have all enjoyed these blogs and can at least take something away from each […]

¡La vida escolar en España!

Posted on 8 May 2017 by Harriet Codd

Hello again to you all, I hope the year is treating you well! When thinking about school/college life for this blog, I found it relatively difficult to put everything into one […]

El medio ambiente…

Posted on 8 March 2017 by Harriet Codd

Hello everyone again! Happy March! I'm very happy to say Easter is coming (relatively) soon and that I've booked my flights home for that week. Although, really we both know […]

¡Festivales Españoles!

Posted on 13 February 2017 by Harriet Codd

Buenosss a todos... I hope you have all enjoyed your New Year and have had a great start to 2017. Now the year has got well underway and we're back […]

La Ville Rose!

Posted on 20 December 2016 by Harriet Codd

Hiiii guys, this is my first blog for Globetrotters and the LingoMap program, so I thought I'd just check in to say a quick 'salut' to everybody and hope you've […]