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September 2024

First thoughts of Barcelona!

Posted on 24 September 2024 by Jacob Foster

So… Having arrived just under a week ago now I feel as though I’m in a good position to make my first update. First off, I am a 20 year […]

Hiraeth: Navigating Homesickness as You Embark on Your Journey Abroad

Posted on 16 September 2024 by Shaquille Qassim

Whilst on my travels people would often ask me about home. When faced with these questions, I often find myself drawn back to a word that perfectly encapsulates how I […]

Preparing for my Year Abroad – Samantha Woolley

Posted on 7 September 2024 by Samantha Woolley

In all honesty, having ( what I perceived as) a year-long Holiday was a big motivator for my degree choice. A year amongst the French sounded ideal to me. Soaking […]