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The GW4-Fatigue Community Has Launched!

20 October 2023

We have lift off!!

Thank you to all who attended our launch event, The Fatigue Enigma, before the start of the summer, where we heard excellent presentations and started some great discussions. Particular thanks to our speakers Professor Chris Burton, Dr Caroline Dalton, Professor Helen Dawes, and Professor Roger Enoka.

What next?

We invite you to three half-day “sandpit” style online workshops that focus on the following topics. You are welcome to sign up for one, two or all three of these workshops depending on your areas of interest and your availability

Workshop 1 – Outcomes. 

Wednesday 1st November (AM)

What matters to people living with chronic fatigue, and how can we measure it?

Workshop 2 – Mechanisms

Thursday 30th November (AM)

What is our current understanding of testable mechanisms of fatigue across clinical conditions? What resources and expertise do we have across the community to study these?

Workshop 3 – Interventions

Thursday 18th January (PM)

What interventions are currently used / being tested / being developed for chronic fatigue across clinical conditions? Do these map onto any mechanisms identified in Workshop #2?

Please click here to sign up to participate in an online workshop. We’ll then send you a calendar invite and further details, including joining link. Please contact the GW4-Fatigue community administrator, Chris Lloyd, for more information (

Save the date

On Wednesday 13th March we will hold an event at Cardiff University to cement new UK collaborations and summarise the research challenges identified in the three workshops. The event will be designed to help us identify focused collaborations that will move forward to funding applications to address the challenges addressed through the activities to date.