New look for European Sources Online
15 November 2018
On 15 November we unveiled an upgraded version of our electronic information service, European Sources Online (ESO).
Created by an editorial team based at the Cardiff EDC, ESO has a long history of helping students, researchers and academics, librarians and law specialists, policymakers and other stakeholders when it comes to understanding Europe and beyond.
In recent years ESO has evolved to become not only a catalogue of bibliographic records but also a tool for current, developing stories, embracing new ways of information sharing and producing in-depth products that are able to effectively support knowledge.
With the help of our IT support team we have aimed to modernise the service, making it more intuitive and user-friendly, adaptable to new types of sources and also to make its development easier and more streamlined.
The official launch of the new-look ESO will take place early in 2019. In the meantime, we welcome your feedback on the features and functionality of the new service.