Forthcoming event: Erasmus Welcome Reception
7 September 2016
Erasmus Welcome Reception
Tuesday 11 October 2016 at 6pm
Cardiff EDC, Guest Building, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Free buffet and drinks
This informal event aims to welcome visiting Erasmus students, plus previous and potential Erasmus students from the UK, and gives you the opportunity to find out about the Cardiff EDC and its activities and staff – we are part of the European Commission’s Europe Direct Information Network and within the University Library Service of Cardiff University.
- We can help you find information for your studies, travel, careers etc related to Europe, and help you to play a part in EU policymaking as a European citizen
- Events – we organise a series of free events throughout the academic year
- Internships – we offer part-time and full-time internships
- European Sources Online – we publish a major free access electronic information service
+ welcome from the Head of the European Commission Representation in Wales, David Hughes
To apply to attend
Places at the reception are free but limited in number. You must book beforehand to attend.
Please send an email to with the following information:
- Your name
- Your academic school / department at Cardiff University
- Are you an Undergraduate, Postgraduate or Staff member
- Which country you are from
- Your primary email address in Cardiff (we will use this to communicate with you during this academic year)
You can apply for more than one person but we need the above details for each person.
We look forward to meeting you!