ESO in … November 2016
7 December 2016
The following events, initiatives and issues were in the news in November. Click on the links to find information sources indexed in European Sources Online.
- European Commission adopts the 2016 Enlargement Package, 9 November 2016
- European Commission proposes to establish a European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) to strengthen security checks on visa-free travellers, 16 November 2016
- Launch of the 2017 European Semester, 16 November 2016 – sets out economic and social priorities for the EU, the euro area and the Member States’ levels
- European Commission presents a comprehensive package of reforms to strengthen the resilience of EU banks, 23 November 2016
- European Commission launches Clean Energy for All Europeans legislative package, 30 November 2016
- European Commission adopts a European Defence Action Plan, 30 November 2016
- Hungary: Referendum on migrant quotas, 2 October 2016 – Hungarian MPs reject proposal for constitutional amendment, 8 November 2016
- Moldova: Presidential Election, 30 October / 13 November 2016
- Bulgaria: Presidential Election, 6 and 13 November 2016
- United States: Presidential Election, 8 November 2016 – Reaction in Europe to the victory of Donald Trump
- Germany: Chancellor Merkel announces 20 November 2016 that she will stand in the 2017 federal elections for a 4th Term. European Parliament President Martin Schulz announces 24 November 2016 that he will return to German national politics in 2017
- France: Primary for the Centre Right, 20 and 27 November 2016: François Fillon becomes candidate for the Les Républicains in the 2017 Presidential Election
- Ongoing Issues:
- Brexit: Article 50 Challenge High Court ruling, 3 November 2016 and lead-up to the appeal held in the Supreme Court, 5-8 December 2016
- Spain: Parliamentary Elections, 20 December 2015 / 26 June 2016: New government finally formed, 3 November 2016