ESO in … June 2016
5 July 2016
The following events, initiatives and issues were in the news in June 2016. Click on the links to find information sources indexed in European Sources Online.
- European Council, 28-29 June 2016
- The EU High Representative presents EU Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy, 28 June 2016
- Migration to Europe – European Migration Challenges
- Find all recent information on Immigration / Migration / Refugees / Asylum
- European Commission announces (1) New Migration Partnership – reinforced cooperation with third countries (2) Action Plan on Integration and plans to reform ‘Blue Card’ system, 7 June 2016
- Council of the European Union and European Parliament agree details of the legislative proposal regarding a European Border and Coast Guard, 21 June 2016
- Spain: Election, 26 June 2016
- Iceland: Presidential election, 26 June 2016
- Slovak Republic takes over Presidency of the Council of the European Union, 1 July 2016
- EU Referendum in the UK, 23 June 2016 BREXIT / BREMAIN
- Information Guide to the EU Referendum [includes links to sources on the results and subsequent analysis]
- Reaction in the EU
- Reaction in UK / Northern Ireland / Scotland / Wales / Gibraltar
- Reaction in France / Germany / Ireland / Italy / Netherlands / Poland / Spain
- Reaction from Think Tanks