ESO in … December 2016
10 January 2017
The following events, initiatives and issues were in the news in December. Click on the links to find information sources indexed in European Sources Online.
- European Council, Brussels, 15 December 2016
- European Council launches the European Solidarity Corps, 7 December 2016
- European Commission proposes to update EU rules on social security coordination, 13 December 2016
- Galileo – Europe’s satellite navigation system started offering its initial services to public authorities, businesses and citizens, 15 December 2016
- Italy: Constitutional Referendum, 4 December 2016. Resignation of Matteo Renzi as Prime Minister. Paolo Gentiloni becomes PM
- Austria: Presidential Election, 4 December 2016
- Macedonia (FYROM): Parliamentary Election, 11 December 2016
- Romania: Parliamentary Election, 11 December 2016
- On-going issues:
- Brexit: Article 50 Challenge High Court ruling, 3 November 2016 and appeal hearing held in the Supreme Court, 5-8 December 2016 + EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier’s Briefing, 6 December 2016
- European Migration Challenges: European Commission reports on progress made under the European Agenda on Migration, 8 December 2016