Creative Research at Cardiff Universty: Dr Dawn Mannay
27 June 2017
During the filming of the Creative Research at Cardiff University video, we spoke to three academics in the Creative Cardiff Research Network about their work. We’ve identified three particular and related strands of creative research at Cardiff: research that involves working with creatives or creative organisations; research that involves creative outputs or methodologies; and research that investigates the creative economy.
Dr Dawn Mannay is producing excellent research using ground-breaking creative methodologies. As discussed in this interview, she is building a reputation for exceptional work in the community and with creatives of various kinds. As she explains, this creative work has also informed her research-led teaching.
Read our interview with Professor Sam Warren (Cardiff Business School) and our interview with Professor Damian Walford Davies (School of English, Communication and Philosophy).
Follow Dawn Mannay @dawnmannay and the Creative Cardiff Research Network @CUCreative