Category Archives: YouTube

Five talks now available on YouTube

The project YouTube playlist now has these five films on it …

1. What Is Existentialism?
2. Why Camus Is Not An Existentialist
3. Freedom and the Structure of Experience
4. Two Varieties of Existentialism
5. Existentialism and Psychoanalysis

They’re around 20-25 minutes long each and summarise the first five chapters of the book. They’re posted with a Creative Commons license, so feel free to share them!

photo of sign that says Keep Off The Grass

YouTube film ‘What Is Existentialism?’ now available

The first of the project’s YouTube films is now available at

It is based on chapter 1 and forms an introduction to the series of films. It is 20 minutes long and free to use under a Creative Commons license.

The draft of chapter 1 available from the website has also been updated, to reflect progress on the book so far:

Image of film opening screen