Category Archives: Events

Frantz Fanon workshop: 19 September 2015

One-day workshop on the work of Frantz Fanon.

Pearson Lecture Theatre
UCL main entrance
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT

9.30am – 4.00pm

Meena Dhanda
Lewis Gordon
Azzedine Haddour
Jonathan Webber

Free! Just turn up.

Schedule and talk titles will be
announced soon.

This is the day after the UK Sartre Society conference on Existentialism, Race, and Gender, which is also in London.

Event organised in collaboration with Nathaniel Adam Tobias Coleman , Research Associate in the Philosophy of ‘Race’ at UCL.



Sartre Afternoon at Bristol: 20 May

I’ve just added a small event to the project. So if you’re in striking distance of Bristol next week and free on Wednesday …

Sartre Afternoon: 20 May 2015
Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol
(room G.16, Cotham House, Bristol BS6 6JL)

2.00pm – Is Sartre a Dualist? – Matthew Eshleman (UNC Wilmington)

3.00pm – Sartre’s Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions – Jonathan Webber (Cardiff)

Then on to a cafe for tea and cake.

With thanks to Havi Carel and the Bristol Philosophy department for hosting.