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RDCS Developing A Research Idea Event 2019

11 April 2019

RDCS South East Wales held their Spring workshop on ‘Developing a research idea’ on 9th April 2019 in the Glamorgan Building at Cardiff University. This is a free event aimed at staff in the health and social care sector to develop or progress an idea for a research project. We had delegates from a range of specialisms booked to attend from across four Health Boards and four all-Wales services – All Wales Genetic Service, Rural Health and Care Wales, Social Care Wales and Carers Trust. 16 delegates attended some with an idea, or several ideas, in the very early stages whilst others were further along and thinking about a suitable design. 

RDCS Consultant Claire Nollett Presenting
RDCS Consultant Claire Nollett presenting

Claire Nollett led the workshop and she was joined by Sue Channon and Phil Pallmann from the RDCS team working as research consultants and Dena Evans provided admin support for the day. They made short presentations about the general process of taking a research idea and growing it into a funded project which were followed by discussion and group work to apply some of the content to the delegates’ ideas.

Sue Campbell, Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) representative, presenting
Sue Campbell, Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) representative, presenting

The team were joined by Barbara Moore and Sue Campbell from the Involvement Community, Health and Care Research Wales who talked about the importance of public involvement. Sue talked about her experience as a lay representative on a variety of research studies.  Rhys Whelan came from NHS library service to outline the nature of support that the library service can offer health and (hopefully soon) social care staff in their research.

Barbara Moore presenting
Barbara Moore presenting

The feedback delegates gave was very positive with an average score of 8.8/10. The main things they felt had been useful were the opportunity to take time out to focus on their research idea, to talk with others in the group about their ideas, finding out about support available including with patient and public involvement, defining their research question and thinking about possible study designs. Thoughts for improving the event in the future were building more connections with social care practitioners.

Group work at the event, facilitated by RDCS consultants

It was a really stimulating day for the delegates and team alike – there was a great buzz in the room with conversations and networks building between practitioners all supporting each other as they worked to develop their research ideas. Many thanks to the presenters and to the delegates who came from far and wide across Wales to join us for the day and make it a success. We hope to see many of you back with requests for support from RDCS to take your ideas forward.

The next event, on June 17th 2019, will focus on the process and practicalities of writing a  research funding application – watch out for more information and the booking which will open on the RDCS website after Easter.