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Peak condition for race day – five top #TeamCardiff tips

21 September 2018
Charlotte Arter (right) supporting #TeamCardiff

For our #TeamCardiff runners, Cardiff Half Marathon is fast-approaching. We asked Charlotte Arter, Performance Sport Officer at Cardiff University, Great Britain international athlete, and British 10,000m champion 2018, for her five top tips for reaching the start line in peak condition.

  1. Less is more

    At this point you are coming into the final couple of weeks leading up to the half. Don’t be tempted to do more in these weeks, maintain what you’ve done and ease down into race week so you feel nice and fresh.

  2. Listen to your body

    If you are tired or something is hurting then take a few days easy. All the hard work has been done over the last few months so don’t jeopardise the great training you’ve done over the months.

  3. Recovery is key

    Fuel well, recover well and sleep well!

  4. Don’t change anything in the lead up to or on race day

    Don’t change running clothes or shoes, your routine, or food and drink. Keep to what you know!

  5. Enjoy!

    You’ve worked so hard to get to race day, so enjoy it, take advantage of the amazing atmosphere and celebrate afterwards!

As well as making sure your physical preparations are on point, it’s a great time to check in on how your fundraising is going. Here’s #TeamCardiff guru Hannah Sterritt on making sure you’re at peak fundraising condition as well:

“It’s a really great time to get your fundraising story out to your contacts – the reality of race day approaching is sure to motivate some donations as they get a taste of the task ahead of you. One great tactic is to keep people updated all the way through as 20% of donations come in after an event has ended, so make sure you update your JustGiving page with how you got on after the race is run!”